
Jul 10, 2024 📃[Paper+1] One paper from X-LANCE Lab accepted by COLM 2024. [Post]
Jul 03, 2024 🧑‍💻[Xmart] The second episode of Xmart Student Forum was released on Bilibili. [video]
Jul 02, 2024 💪 Premier Li Qiang conducted a visit to AISpeech in Suzhou, Jiangsu. Professor Yu Kai from X-LANCE made another appearance on the Xinwen Lianbo, reporting to the Premier about the progress in research and development. [Video/Post]
Jun 12, 2024 🧑‍💻[Xmart] The first episode of Xmart Student Forum was released on Bilibili. [video]
May 26, 2024 🗓️️[Academic Day] The 2024 X-LANCE Academic Day was held successfully. [post]
May 18, 2024 🌄[PhD Conference] The 2024 PhD Conference was held in Anji, Zhejiang Province. [post]
May 16, 2024 📃[Paper+3] Three papers from X-LANCE Lab accepted by ACL 2024 main conference or findings of ACL. [Post]
May 02, 2024 📃[Paper+2] Two papers from X-LANCE Lab accepted by ICML 2024. [Post]
Apr 07, 2024 🤗 [LLM+1] SJTU, AISpeech, and Suzhou Labs jointly released the first 10B scale large model in chemistry, with chemical capability outperforming GPT-4. [Post]
Mar 14, 2024 📃[Paper+2] Two papers from X-LANCE Lab accepted by NAACL 2024. [Post]
Feb 29, 2024 📃[Paper+3] Three papers from X-LANCE Lab accepted by COLING 2024 and WSDM 2024. [Post]
Jan 24, 2024 🎆 [New Year Message] Together we celebrate the New Year! The 2024 Annual Dinner of X-LANCE was successfully held. [Post]
Dec 31, 2023 📃[Paper+3] Three papers from X-LANCE Lab accepted by AAAI 2024. [Post]
Dec 31, 2023 📃[Paper+14] Three papers from X-LANCE Lab accepted by ICASSP 2024. [Post1] [Post2]